AS Food Bank is an organization working to eliminate food insecurity at UCSB by providing UCSB students with an easily accessible food resource on campus. The Food Bank is dedicated to raising awareness on food issues, and they offer a variety of services/programs to help students that are in need.
Miramar Pantry

The Miramar Food Pantry provides free healthy food to all qualified* UCSB students to ensure UCSB students have nutritious food to eat. Students can visit the pantry each day it is open.

The Foodbank of Santa Barbara County supplies a wide variety of organizations with food for residents seeking food. View a list of food pantries, mobile distributions, and prepared meals throughout Santa Barbara County.

CalFresh is a federally funded food nutrition assistance program. Those who are eligible can receive up to $250 per month for groceries. After you apply, you will receive a plastic electronic benefits card that is reloaded each month.
Basic Needs

The Basic Needs office is a centralized source of information regarding healthy and sustainable food options at UCSB and in the local community.
Menstrual product map
This is a map of useful wellness resources that can be found on the UCSB Campus and other nearby areas: