Who we serve
It is a home for any student who is
- An undergraduate student who is 25 years old or older
- A graduate student who is 30 or older
- A domestic partnered /married student
- Student with dependent(s)
- Re-entering student
- Student veteran
- Formerly incarcerated student
The Resource Center provides a space to study, eat, relax, or hang-out; a staff to guide you to resources, and help manage the challenges associated with achieving your academic goals. The Non-traditional Student Resource Center can be your first stop to success at UCSB.
Welcome to our community and please reach out to let us know what you need.

UCSB has a number of resources and departments to assist students with navigating financial difficulties.

UCSB supports parenting students who are pursuing their education while managing family responsibilities.

The Non-Traditional Student Resource Center hosts quarterly events for student parents and all non-traditional students.
Keep in Touch
If you want to sign up for our newsletter please become a member on our Shoreline page.